(before you interact/ do not interact)

please read this just to avoid any kind of misunderstandings

Before you Interact:

-I'm an anxious and busy person, I might take some time to reply due to school, mental health or any other issues, please be patient about this.
-Tone indicators aren't always necessary but I'd really appreciate it if you could use them specially when making jokes/being sarcastic, since I find it really hard to understand jokes/sarcam. Not being able to understand them has always been a weak spot to me and has made me feel upset and misunderstood more than once, so it'd be nice if people could use them around them, even though it's not obligatory.
-I can be really quiet at first but once we get to know each other better I can become really talkative. If this annoys you please let me know, I won't get mad /srs
-If I get to talk about my interests, you can also talk about yours as well, I'll be glad to listen and learn.
-If you have blocked me just because I did something that could have annoyed you, please explain what happened so we can come up to a solution together (I do promise to take countability of my actions, not make the same mistakes and improve as a person /srs). If the blocking has been done for no reason or as a mockery, I won't accept any excuses from you.

Do not Interact:

-Basic DNI Criteria
-any of my ex-friends, stalkers, abusers or problematic people I had to deal with in the past
-Adults are thin ice, as long as they're not problematic they are allowed to interact
-Hate accounts towards communities (Ex: LGBTQ+, Furries...)
-NSFW accounts


DO NOT do any of these towards me /srs
-Sending videos, links, etc with loud screamers or any loud noises WITHOUT GIVING ANY WARNINGS
-Making disrespectful comments/jokes about my traumas or about myself
-Making innapropiate (ex: NSFW, hate, fetishes, sexualization...) art or comments about my OCs or sonas
-Force me to do something I'm not interested in doing/don't want to do.